
My March 8th Rant Against Men

In technology on March 9, 2012 at 3:06 am

Here I was, one of the attendees at the NERD International Women’s Day Mixer and full of inspiration from mingling with smart ladies working at local tech organizations. I was now listening to a panel discussing the future of women in technology. A blog post was shaping up in my mind about all the things we can do to encourage the participation of women in the rapidly evolving technology space when, all of a sudden, my train of thought was interrupted.

One of the few guys in the room raised his hand to pose a question, “How can men help?”

After the panelists answered his question, he looked around in search for the mic runner again. He continued to make comments on the same question, holding the mic close to his chest as if he didn’t have the slightest intention of separating from it. One of the panelists tried to jump in and share her thoughts, but the guy kept talking and interrupting her. Finally, we were able to move on to another question.

I stood there absorbing the situation: the panel of speakers encouraging women to stand up and raise their voice and the male attendee demanding the room’s attention with his body language, lengthy comments and dramatic intonation.

A few minutes later, the moderator announced that the next question was going to be the last one for the evening. The mic runner approached a young guy to my left. After he grabbed the mic, we learned that he, in fact, didn’t have a question. He had an answer to the question that the first guy had posed.

The two men waved at each other across the room and for the last few minutes of the panel we listened to the second guy’s suggestions on how men can help women take leadership roles in tech.

Did anyone else see the paradox? I surely hope so.

Number One Tip for Making LinkedIn Connections

In marketing, media on February 11, 2012 at 10:10 pm

wedding invites
The number of connections you have on LinkedIn instantly signals how well networked you are. The larger your LinkedIn network, the more exposed you are to new networking and professional opportunities. So how can you go about adding more connections to your profile?

I have one tip for you (get mentally prepared because this is going to be revolutionary): send personal messages.

I cannot count the times I have received invitations to connect with people without knowing how they have heard of me. Some people would like to expand their professional network, they stumble upon my LinkedIn profile and click “connect.” They might even know me from somewhere, but they still don’t bother writing a line or two explaining how we might be connected. I don’t accept these invitations. (And LinkedIn doesn’t like them, either.)

However, I have accepted to connect with people whose names I don’t recognize if they add a personal message. Some folks take the time to write that they enjoy my blog posts, ebooks or Twitter updates. I’d love to be connected with people who follow my work.

Of course, I am not arguing that everyone on LinkedIn behaves like me. People approach their LinkedIn presence in different ways. Still, the chances of you making a connection by adding a personal message are definitely higher than if you simple left the default “I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.” In fact, erase that message altogether. Instead, add an explanation of how you know the person and why would like to connect with him/her.

With more than 150 million member, LinkedIn is the word’s largest professional social network. Start leveraging the power of this platform.

Generalist VS Specialist: The Skill Set Our Society Values

In liberal arts on November 16, 2011 at 12:26 am

The Champ
Soon after I entered the professional world, I was introduced to the debate about the generalist versus the specialist. Which one does our society value most and why?

The work environment nurtures specialists—people who can develop a strict focus on a subject, master it and contribute their expert opinions as needed. However, the world of liberal arts education, one that many of us are coming from, encourages a different type of reality. It pushes us to glimpse into different disciplines, expand our academic interests and develop a broad understanding of the world and how to engage with it. How are we supposed to reconcile this conflict? If the academic world raises us as generalists and the professional world values specialization, don’t we end up suffering from split personality? Which identity should one pick?

Liberal arts, as defined by the Merriam Webster dictionary, refer to the educational curriculum “intended to provide chiefly general knowledge and to develop general intellectual capacities as opposed to professional or vocational skills.” This definition sounds familiar. It’s aligned with the description Mount Holyoke College gives of academic requirements, “The College’s distribution requirement is designed to acquaint students with a wide range of knowledge and encourage them to explore new areas of interest.” In other words, a student here will have to fulfill requirements in humanities, science and mathematics, and social sciences.

Fulfilling these requirements, I distinctly remember, wasn’t necessarily something I looked forward to at Mount Holyoke College. As an International Media & Communications major, I wished I could focus on writing and didn’t have to worry about math or biology. My classmates shared the same sentiment. Yet we knew there were certain requirements that needed to be fulfilled so we carefully browsed through the course catalogue to pick classes outside our main field of interest.

For one of my science requirements, I ended up taking Introduction to Computer Animation. It wasn’t a subject I would have naturally gravitated towards. After all, it involved coding and learning formulas. Yet the class taught me to express myself in a new way, through building short movies with 3D models. Its appeal for creativity resonated with me and by the end of the semester, I spent almost every weekend in the computer lab, creating cylinders and cubes with excitement and showcasing my skills to others. In that class, I also made friends with students I wouldn’t have otherwise spent time with.

Interestingly enough, I witnessed the same type of dynamic in a complete opposite field. One of my closest college friends, a biochemistry major, decided to fulfill her humanities requirement by taking a journalism course. The class was outside her comfort zone and led to the lowest grade she had received in her undergraduate studies. However, she took this as a challenge. The professor’s constructive feedback motivated her. She worked hard in the class, gaining some critical writing and editing skills, and most importantly, an appreciation for a new field.

This appreciation for new fields triggers the flow of the human imagination. It piques our curiosity and helps us make associations between subjects that seemed unrelated. In this way we become creators of a remarkable culture, one full of remixes and unique interpretations that crisscross, borrow from one another and inspire us.

The ability to interpret situations in a unique way is what helps us solve problems in the professional world. It gives us the necessary context to connect the dots when we start new projects, communicate with customers and present in front of our coworkers. Thought leader and technology innovator Steve Jobs argued for the tremendous power stemming from the marriage between different disciplines. At the release of the iPad 2, he said: “It’s in Apple’s DNA that technology alone is not enough—it’s technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the result that makes our heart sing, and nowhere is that more true than in these post-PC devices.”

Statements like this guide us in recognizing the colors of our reality. It’s not just black or white, sciences or humanities, generalists or specialists. Our academic, professional and personal lives are ripe with richness that often goes unnoticed. It is time to look around and recognize the diverse aspects of our identities.

I’m happy that my liberal arts education raised me as a generalist. I am also happy that my work taught me about the benefits of being a specialist. Do I have to identify with just one or the other? No, just like I don’t have to identify with only being a daughter, sister, friend or writer. The human mind allows for different skills and perspectives to coexist. It’s their coexistence that makes our identities flexible, constantly evolving and sometimes even a little bit contradictory.

Photo credit: truebluetitan